Brief Job Description:
As part of Mayor Wu’s vision for a Green New Deal for Boston, the City of Boston is seeking a Director of Energy Transformation. The Director of Energy Transformation is a newly created role that reflects the Wu Administration’s commitment to Boston playing a greater role in advancing the policy and technical innovation necessary to meet the City and region’s 2050 climate goals. The Director is responsible for guiding City policies, programs, and partnerships that advance the equitable transition to a carbon-free, resilient energy system.
The Director will serve as the City’s lead point person on energy transition and transformation, with cross-functional roles: Senior Advisor on energy to Mayor Wu’s Climate Council and Chief Climate Officer; Senior Staff responsible for energy policy and programs in the Environment Department; lead interdepartmental coordinator for energy utility and regulatory affairs City-wide. As an advisor, the Director will be responsible for generating and executing the City’s policy agenda on topics including grid modernization and equitable grid resilience. As Environment Department senior staff, the Director will guide and provide as-needed technical support to the teams responsible for ongoing programs in the Municipal Energy Unit, including municipal facility decarbonization through the Renew Boston Trust, the City’s municipal aggregation program, Boston Community Choice Electricity, and renewable energy procurement. The Director will play a leading role in developing Boston’s first Climate Action Plan update since 2019. As utility coordination lead, the Director is responsible for maintaining relationships with and forming partnerships with energy utilities and regulators, as well as developing partnerships across the City, particularly with infrastructure and energy planners in the Planning Department, as part of an all-of-government approach to equitable climate action. The Director’s work will support the Environment Department’s focus on climate justice, designing priority programs and policies to address past patterns of injustice.
The Director of Energy Transformation reports to the Commissioner of the Environment Department and additionally serves as an Advisor to the Chief Climate Officer. As part of the management team of the Environment Department, the Director will work closely with other members of the management team and have important administrative responsibilities.
Union/Salary Plan/Grade: Non-Union/MM2-11/Full-time
Hours per week: 35